options on the horizon...

Backgrounds & Experience

Our sales has minimum of 10 years experience in electronics components both in franchised and independent distributions.

An international outlook

Language spoken: French, English, Chinese

Existing clients worldwide

We service OEM/CEMs in Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and America.

People at Auxilio Electronics

Auxilio is a team of experienced & dedicated individuals each coming from complimentary backgrounds to bring a highly 'personalised' supply chain service to your production needs on a one point contact level.

As our approach is firmly built on relationship, we are set to go that extra mile for your requests. We encourage mutual motivation between the buyer and the supplier, this does not only take the stress of the day-to-day purchasing activity off but above all, it optimises the procurement process by time, cost and effort.

Time to make a friend at Auxilio, you will not be disappointed by their reactivity.

Want to be an Auxiliot ?

You have procurement experience? You understand the objectives of a buyer with a production planning behind their backs? You are creative, reactive and generous. Join our team and bring job satisfaction to our fellow buyers/clients.

Please send CV and letter to: jobs@auxilio-electronics.com